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Patent Quality and Startups

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Startups Thrive When Policymakers Promote Quality and Stem Abuse

Over the past decade, a series of positive policies made it harder to obtain low-quality patents and assert them against startups. And as those policies went into effect, there was less and less abusive patent litigation. At the same time, startups across the country were thriving. However, more recent policy changes cut in the opposite direction–meaning more low-quality patents remain in force today. Instead of chipping away at the good progress, policymakers should restore their focus on patent quality.

Patent Suits and Entreprenurial Activity

Driving Innovation and Protecting Startups
With more than half a million patent applications filed each year, a few low quality patents sometimes get approved. Reforms like IPR and Alice help ensure patent quality.
Patent Quality is Essential to the State of Innovation
IPR and the Alice Decision make it easier for startups to operate so they can invest their resources on innovation instead of pricey litigation.
Protecting Big Ideas – Mapbox
See firsthand how recent patent reforms are protecting startups like Mapbox.
Successful Patent Reforms – Vimeo
IPR and the Alice decision help startups like Vimeo push back against trolls so they can innovate without fear.
Less Litigation Means More Innovation – Cloudflare
Startups across America are receiving demand letters. Find out how they can fight back.
Patents spur innovation – Bitmovin
Startups like Bitmovin should spend valuable resources developing new technologies instead of on pricey patent litigation.
Innovation Toolkit for Startups – Patreon
What's the most important thing the Patent Office could do to protect patent quality? Nothing. Find out why.
For Protecting Patents and Preserving Innovation, Thank You.
Thanks to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and IPR, Americans can continue innovating, creating, experimenting, and solving problems.
#FixPatents Explainer
Protect job-creating businesses from patent trolls. Keep Inter Partes Review strong.
Alice and IPR Protect Innovation
Abstract patents stifle innovation with heavy legal and financial burdens. Alice and IPR give startups the tools they need to curb this weight and get ahead of litigation.


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